Club Resources

Not sure what the competitions are all about? Worried you need to a particular age or have a special skill? Check out the latest competition rules and catch up on the results by following the links to each competition.

AGM Club Records Trophy Results



Field Day

Winter Fair

Other Comps

Public Speaking

Queen, Attendants and Male Ambassador




NFYFC Travelling

Wales YFC Travelling

Alternatively, you may be looking for a new challenge or opportunity. Check out what’s going on in Wales and NFYFC in terms of travel opportunities and catch up with some of our travellers who share their stories. Are you looking for an opportunity to develop a particular skill or do you need a particular accreditation for a competition? Our training pages will offer links to what’s available and how to take advantage so keep an eye out for a course or opportunity that interests you.
Also, our members are a sociable bunch who follow the “Work Hard Play Hard” motto to the max.  Want to know if the Queens Ball is the Christmas event of the year in Pembrokeshire.